Saturday, May 26, 2012

why are we still here?

because making the blog private did not go how I expected it to!  So its in the too hard basket for now.  We are home from a fabulous ten days or so in Germany and Austria.  The weather was perfect.  The lilacs were in full bloom everywhere, chestnut trees were in flower and everywhere is so GREEN! 

We stayed in a 600 year old guest house run by a guy Bert went to school with.  People in these parts don't seem to move far from home.

                                                           lilacs in bloom everywhere

                                                   chestnut trees in full bloom

Saturday, May 5, 2012

goodbye, farewell, Auf Wiedersehem!

We are about to embark on a new and exciting phase in our life.  You are welcome to join us and follow our journey but for reasons that will become clear it needs to be done in a private blog.  As I said you are most welcome to join the new blog(in a week or so once Ive got it organised ) but you need to email me your email address and who you are and I shall give you access.

We are off to Germany and Austria for a few days break, I shall do this when we return.

Email us at