I have been doing some welfare work amongst Berts workers. He had promoted two men to a level that they were able to bring their wives and babies over to the UAE to live with them. Most low paid workers are here alone. We discovered that despite these mens families being due to arrive in a few days, they had nothing! I was able to in a very short time collect together enough furniture and goods for them to live comfortably. We were given, new bedlinen, new pillows, toiletries to get them started. Toys and clothing for the children, crockery, cutlery, microwaves, and towels. People really are very generous when they see genuine need. From this small start to look after these two men, I have continued to collect goods from people in Dubai, and a friend has been collecting on my behalf in Abu Dhabi.
As well as carloads of clothing, we have collected and given to low paid workers approx 50 new pillows, perhaps double that number of towels, microwaves, electric kettles, toasters, dishes, cutlery and more truck loads of furniture than I can keep track of. A couple contacted me from Kyzakstan and said they had a good quality furniture in storage in Abu Dhabi they wanted to donate to us, for us to sell and use the funds to purchase anything for these workers. We have put a water cooler in the grouds of the apartment complex we live in as it was bought to our attention that the gardeners and cleaners have no access to cold water during the summer heat. Money raised will give us the ability to buy water to keep this supply going. We have donated in the vicinity of 150 kgs of rice.
Bert's staff at first were incredulous at the quantity and quality of these goods we were being given, now they are just overwhelmed with gratitude.
I really do not feel like I am giving a great deal, other than facilitating peoples generousity into the right places.