Friday, March 6, 2009


It is always a bit of a highlight of travelling to collect the funny signs you see along the way. Bert took this photo in the observation tower at the border station to Saudi Arabia.


  1. *groan* This whole "Don't throw toilet roll in the toilet even though we give you toilet roll" irritates me...and grosses me out.

  2. I want a photo of the 'no vagina toys' sign, please.

  3. Ewwww I didn't realise they were talking about toilet paper! What are you supposed to do with it?

    Silvia, you will just have to go take your own photo, or are you worried about getting arrested for carrying contraband?

  4. Very funny. After living in Africa for two years and here for 10, I have seen so many funny signs (and "official" emails and letters) with strange wording or amusing spelling errors.

    A recent email I received had a subject line that said "Come visit our Satan at Gulf Food Exhibition"

    (It was supposed to be "Stand" )

    As for the person who asked what one is supposed to do with the used toilet paper - throw it in the dustbin next to the toilet - very disturbing to see a bin piled high with used tissue.
