Inside the actual Burj foyer is remarkably tacky, think Vegas 1960's decor. Its proof money doesn't come with good taste. The restaurant we ate at was Al Iwan an Arabic banquet. These three ladies were at the table beside us, and Bert offered to take a photo of them together. He asked them where they were from, and was very surprised when they answered Holland. We got talking to them and they wanted to go for a drive to the Jumeira Palm islands so we offered to take them for a drive, they were a lot of fun.
Inside the foyer.

This guy was very pleased with his lamb in this tray, I didn't have the lamb, it looked a bit too much like a greyhound for me.
This guy was very pleased with his lamb in this tray, I didn't have the lamb, it looked a bit too much like a greyhound for me.
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