Thursday, June 18, 2009

Sometimes the world seems like a very big place

And today is one of them. My brother in law Reiner has had a stroke in Germany. Bert is in Abu Dhabi and I am here her Melbourne. There is nothing I would like more to be in Germany now with Berts sister oldest sister Sonja. We always stay with Sonja and Reiner in Burghausen because they make us so welcome. I know nothing more than Reiner has had a stroke and is intensive care. If you are one of our praying friends, please pray for all hurting in this situation.

I am so grateful to know that she is surrounded by the good people of Burghausen Evangalical Church who will give her the same love and support as they provided us last year when we were in Germany for Bert's brothers death and Bert got sick and was hospitalised, but I wish we could be there too.


  1. I'm sorry, Kris. I will keep Reiner and Sonja in my thoughts and prayers. Please post an update when you have one.

  2. I will be praying. Please keep us posted. ((((K&B)))))
