Tuesday, November 8, 2011

making a difference

Two short years ago when I arrived in this country I was so overwhelmed just crossing a road was a major achievement.  It is impossible to live in a country surrounded by such wealth but also such hardship.  Laborers, and maids do it hard here. They come from the Phillipines, India, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka to make a better life for their families back home.  They get paid shockingly low wage by our standards but they consider themselves very fortunate to have these jobs and consider life here is easier than back home.  It is a complex issue and one Bert and I struggle with constantly.

I am in a unique postion as I have access to the expat community as well as these laborers so for the past year or so I have been collecting donated goods from people and taking them to the camps.  The quantity and quality of goods we receive is astounding. 

When we moved to Al Reef I petitioned the compound managers to instal welfare bins.  Just a simple big bin at each security gate to enable residents to drop donated goods into the bins, and we take the goods to the camps.  Over ramadan we received 270kgs of rice.  I have given away thousands of dollars worth of baby goods and clothes and I cannot even begin to estimate the number of sheets and towels. 

I am incredibly proud of what we have achieved, but there is still a long way to go as the need is enormous. 
welfare bins at each of our security gates, like the camera reflection in the side mirror? I left it in because it looks funny.

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